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InPower Women’s MasterMind

unlocking the power of authentic feminine leadership

For women who want to make a difference.

You’re not alone if you’ve struggled to find a professional group of career- and leadership-minded women to share the ups, downs and challenges of your worklife journey. Join Executive Coach Dana Theus for a unique program designed to support you as you hone your authentic feminine leadership style. In a community of supportive female peers, you’ll receive advice and resources to help you position yourself for even greater things. In this Mastermind you’ll stay on top of leadership trends for women, unlock your higher potential, raise your aspirations and gain inspiration from others in a professional and safe space.

Join today for $25/mo (or less!)

Upcoming Mastermind Events

May 15 - What Double Standards Apply to Women? Which Ones Apply to You?

June 19 - How to be Feminine, Ambitious and Successful at the same time!

Learning, Sharing and Brainstorming with Powerful Women

InPower Women Mastermind monthly Zoom meetings include interactive discussions and learning with other women on their leadership journey to reach higher levels of impact.

  • Member highlights to celebrate (and learn from) recent member wins 
  • Guest speakers for a deeper dive into new trends in women and leadership, communications, strategy, personal branding, diversity/equity/inclusion, coaching and more
  • Member spotlights, an opportunity for each member to gain deep problem solving support and/or presentation practice with your peers, and with Dana’s coaching support as you prepare
  • Community-building and collective learning using interactive breakouts, quizzes and polls

Topical News & Women in Leadership Updates 

Receive member’s-only InPower Women Mastermind monthly newsletters.

  • Coaching tips and insights based on current trends faced by women in leadership
  • “Must listen/view/read” links with summaries of the most important takeaways for women seeking professional success
  • Member highlights, event agendas and news
  • Featured on-demand resources including coaching lessons and recordings
  • Members-only Online Facebook & Slack Channels to share resources and continue the conversation

Unlimited Access to In-Depth Career & Leadership Development Tools

As a Mastermind member you receive unlimited access to on-demand learning libraries. Browse over 100 videos & workbooks to help you get the job of your dreams and realize your full leadership potential in your work. Each lesson gives you lifelong personal mastery, career and leadership development skills to help you reduce your stress, focus productively on achieving meaningful results and communicate your value.

Develop Emotional Intelligence, Business Acumen & Management Skills

In each month’s InPower Women Mastermind we’ll provide you the opportunity for you to build both your emotional intelligence and business acumen. You may also view recorded webinars and download worksheets and checklists that walk you through unlocking your potential to position yourself for a new job or promotion, reduce stress, increase productivity and build core team management and leadership skills.

Possibility & purpose

Joining the InPower Women Mastermind community has offered me not only exceptionally intelligent women in leadership to share ideas with and learn from, but it has also offered a community that fills my heart with a sense of possibility, purpose and the experience of connection and warmth with other leaders. Dana leads us toward this connection and purpose and has created a culture free of competition or status and full of learning and sharing. I’m grateful.

Jasmine Lamb

President, Mansfield Hall, Mansfield Hall

The best newsletter in my inbox

The InPower Women Mastermind group has broadened my awareness to the issues that female leaders face both personally and professionally.  I love learning from the experiences of the other women and hearing their stories. I love welcoming new members to learn from. The monthly newsletter is one of the best ones in my Inbox. It offers a comprehensive exploration for each month’s focus topic.  It saves me from having to do independent research because it provides a one-stop-shop of background and perspective I can use as the jump-off point for my own curiosity.

Jennifer Pound

IT Manager, Treehouse Foods

Why You Should Join

Did you know that when women have broad professional networks PLUS close circles of female colleagues, they’re 30% more likely to gain more authority and higher pay (source: Havard Business Review). That’s what our mastermind is designed to do, give you that tight knit inner circle of women to share your journey with and support you as you work to get ahead in your career.

Get support to get ahead.

If you feel “selfish” taking time to develop your leadership mindset, then let us help you see this investment of yourself through a healthier lens.

Talking and learning from other women, your peers on the journey, is self-sustaining practice. Using this opportnity as a reason to step out of the “scrum” of daily tasks and deliverables, to reflect on the variety of topics we’ll be covering, is a critical practice to give you perspective and navigate your personal and professional growth path.

Invest in yourself.

When you are shaping and improving your own leadership mindset, others will naturally benefit. This is true for your team, your customers and even your family and friends.

The Mastermind also gives you a built in community to turn to with thoughts and questions others around you might struggle to understand. A supportive group of women, all struggling and overcoming similiar challenges in the workplace, will also learn from you and the wisdoms you have to share.

When you benefit, others do too.

While we often have a certain amount of challenge built into our workplace goals, we don’t always get to choose a variety of stretch opportunities that can grow us beyond them.

Each month, the Mastermind will prompt you to explore new issues and topical focus areas. All topics are chosen for the potential they have to help us grow as individuals and also as workplace leaders. You’ll receive resources, exercises and group discussions to support your explorations.

Keep stretching, keep growing.


We all need opportunities to develop our voice. The nonjudgemental and exploratory nature of the Women’s Mastermind provides a perfect place for you to use, practice and refine your leadership voice.

Take advantage of the Member Spotlight feature to present and share your wisdom with the group.

Speak up and say important things.

Many women feel called to impact the world around them, especially through the success they achieve in their careers. This pursuit of the multiple bottom line — purpose, passion, profits, people, planet and plenty more — is not unique to women, but we often find it an up hill battle. We often feel alone on this quest.

In this group of motivated women, you’ll find a community of women like you; driven to succeed personally and uplift their businesses and their community simulaneously. Like you, we all feel alone sometimes in our day-to-day work. So we come together here to strengthen each other and explore strategies for making our impact for a better future.

What’s Included

In addition to Mastermind events and resources, members
receive immediate access to over 100 coaching lessons
(over $1,500 a la carte value)
available in video, workbooks and on-demand course formats.

Member-only Newsletters, Discussions & Mastermind Meeting

Many powerful women feel very alone in their career. But you’re not alone! InPower Women Mastermind members immediately begin receiving invitations to monthly Zoom meetings, a scannable monthly newsletter and coach-curated resources and coach-moderated discussions. Our events and resources are designed to:

  • educate you on the latest news and recommended listens/views/reads to help you build your authentic feminine leadership style
  • challenge you to step into the spotlight in a safe circle of supportive women
  • support you with peer and coach-guided interactive sessions and online discussions
  • stimulate you to reflect more deeply on your career and leadership journey

Member Highlights & Spotlight Visibility

This special member’s-only community is here to help each member celebrate her successes and wins, as well as reflect on and learn from her challenges. Each month we highlight all our members’ wins and put one member in the spotlight to provide her the opportunity for intense group support.

Member Highlights: Listings, links and lessons-learned callouts to feature member wins

Member Spotlights: Mastermind meeting focus time to help our Spotlight member build her expertise by educating the group, problem-solving a challenging situation–or both! Spotlight members receive personal coaching support from Dana as they prepare to lead their meeting Spotlight segment

Authentic Feminine Leadership Course

Free access to a 6 week on-demand program designed to educate you on core topics of importance to women in leadership. Each week’s module includes links to multiple resources and journal prompts to help you reflect on how you can use this information in refining your own authentic feminine leadership style. Course is designed to help you:

  • Learn what the research says about authentic feminine leadership styles (including the Double Bind for female leaders)
  • Tap proven, high-road shortcuts to career advancement for women
  • Explore intuitive and emotionally intelligent strategies to lead and manage others (and how to avoid the Double Bind!)
  • Discover the safest path to high-profile visibility (Dodge the Imposter Syndrome!)
  • Set up a 1-2-3 career development plan to activate your goals (and your dreams!)
  • How to make a difference with your personal commitment to lifelong mastery of your career

Course is provide on-demand. Members may begin at any time.

A La Carte value: $17

Free Coaching

As a mastermind member, you will receive coaching as a part of the group experience. You may schedule 1-1 coaching at preferred rates.

You may also request peer coaching at any monthly meeting (request must be received 30 days in advance) and use every meeting as an opportunity to ask for peer advice and mentoring.

InPower Toolkit

In coaching hundreds of professional women, Dana has learned that everyone benefits from four core coaching tools.

  • Emotional Detriggering to help you manage stress and manage conflict and difficult relationships
  • Influence EQ to help you learn your own influence style and tailor and personalize your persuasive efforts to your audience
  • Career Defining Accomplishments to build your confidence and prepare for performance reviews, promotion opportunities and interviews
  • 7 Strategies to Attract and Executive Sponsor gives you 21 action items to help you raise your visibility authentically and strategically 

Coaching videos and workbooks are available for immediate access. Members may begin at any time.

A La Carte value: $97

Unlimited Access to On-demand Career & Leadership Libraries

Members unlock unlimited access to over 100 videos and workbooks of leadership and career development coaching materials. These lessons were developed to support Dana’s executive coaching clients, and may be browsed in a self-serve format as well as used to deepen your mastermind experience.

Topic areas include:

  • Personal Mastery/Stress Management
  • Personal/Leadership Brand Development
  • InPower Communications
  • Change Management/Leadership
  • Executive/Cultural Governance & Leadership
  • Career Planning
  • LinkedIn/Resume Creation
  • Job Search/Interview & Offer Negotiation

Coaching videos and workbooks are available for immediate access. Members may begin at any time.

A La Carte value: $371

InPower Meeting Management

Meetings are a fact of professional life. Maybe your meetings are great. Maybe they’re not. Whether you and your team are on the brink of Zoom burnout or just super busy, the InPower meeting management strategies, frameworks and agendas in this program will transform how you experience and lead meetings. This program includes:

  • A simple secret to meeting success
  • An InPower meeting template and tips
  • Group dynamic hacks to help you manage challenging people and situations

On-demand course materials are available for immediate download.

A la carte value: $97

InPower Meditations & Reflections

Dana has learned that one of the most important things a woman can do to tap her power for career, leadership and personal success is to develop a practice of regular centering and reflection. Through a regular practice of reflection, you can fine-tune your inner dialog to shift from undermining to building your confidence. While she began her own practice through weekly journaling, today she engages in deeper, interactive meditations. Through this optional course, Dana makes her own practice accessible to her clients and community members through recordings of over 75 guided meditations. Accessible to beginners as well as experienced meditators.

Recordings are available for immediate access. Members may begin at any time.

A La Carte value: $47

Hear From Our Members

Positive & Transforming

The InPower community has been a life line for me, helping me through tough times and giving me support as I got a promotion and prepared for a more demanding role. Dana’s InPower Coaching community is just that, a community of women who are positive and motivated to learn and grow. Dana uses the monthly calls effectively to provide helpful tools and information, and personal support. This approach of call-ins and online tools, gives me an opportunity to explore intense learning and I’ve found it to be truly transformative, providing me with various tools I can use right away and can fall back on when faced with a new challenge. I find taking time to connect with InPower helps me stay focused and energizes me.

J Voss

Project Manager, Major Manufacturer

Healthy Collaboration. Join Us!

“I applaud Dana.  It’s a great strategy to create a network of women who come together for healthy collaboration. This diverse forum provides various perspectives on the subjects discussed, enabling everyone to come away with fresh thinking and new innovative ideas.  The one hour session each month is well worth the time. It gets our creative juices flowing.

Join us, and bring your friends or colleagues to share their thoughts or success stories. We all benefit from sharing.

Thank you Dana, for all your leadership coaching and mentoring.  I truly value this journey with you and the rest of the group and I look forward to the next session.”

Cindy B

IT & Innovation Director, Damco

Dana Theus

Meet Your Coach

Executive Coach Dana Theus has empowered and inspired hundreds of women, giving them authentic strategies to develop confident personal brands and lead at higher levels. Her knowledge, sensitivity and passion for helping professional women find their voice, explore their confidence and activate their higher potential gives you a strategic partner on your career-life path.

Dana Theus, Executive Coach

Founder, InPower Women

Join The Women’s Mastermind Today!

no minimum commitment. pause your membership and rejoin at any time.



Annual Save 17%


Add Coaching with Dana

Take your InPower Woman experience deeper with individual coaching sessions (receive VIP discount)

Frequently Asked Questions

Who should join?

This program will be optimized for women determined to make a difference in the world, including those who are in the executive suite, or on a career path that leads to greater levels of impact.

The topics we’ll cover will help any woman develop her thought leadership and her personal skills to better manage and lead others. Our focus will be on helping members gain the skills, mindset and business perspectives to engage with, and establish credibility with executive leaders, influencers and colleagues.

This program is open to all.

How many people are on each mastermind call?

Call size is limited to 25 members in order to preserve a sense of community. If we regularly exceed that number we will consider scheduling a second call each month to give everyone the option to choose a date.

When are the monthly mastermind meetings held?

Mastermind meetings will be held on the third Wednesday of each month from 12:00-1:00pm eastern US time through the end of 2021. A member poll at the end of each year will determine if we need to change the regular meeting date.

How many Member Highlights and Spotlights do I receive as a member?

Members are guaranteed one Spotlight session, with Dana’s support. Requests for a second Spotlight will be considered based on topic relevance and contribution and membership tenure. We will try to accommodate all member requests to the best of our ability.

Will Mastermind calls be recorded if I have to miss one?

Meetings will be recorded, however, recordings will only be available for one week and only to attendees of the meeting. We limit the distribution of the recording to preserve a sense of safety for those who give the gift of their time to the Mastermind itself. If a Member Spotlight participant would like a copy of their recorded section to be distributed more widely we will happily make that section of the recording available to the entire community.

How do you handle privacy and confidentiality concerns?

We ask all members to agree to keep Mastermind discussions completely confidential and private, in alignment with our privacy policy. Moderators reserve the right to cancel the membership of anyone who is in violations of this policy.

How much do I pay if I am (or become) a coaching client of Dana's?

Dana’s VIP executive coaching clients will receive a lifetime option to participate in the InPower Women Mastermind community at a savings rate between 80-100%.

Do you have a PDF with some of this information?

Yes we do! Download a high-level description of this membership, including detailed information regarding the “InPower Unlimited” on-demand programming.